That's really adorable :) it's a really nice drawing Wazzaldorp!
That's really adorable :) it's a really nice drawing Wazzaldorp!
Great drawing man!
For a second there I thought the upper part of his jacket was part of his mouth, giving him a really goofy expression.
I don't know how anyone can come to the conclusion that in the grand scheme of things, Betilla is a popular character to draw.
When squarely focusing on the Rayman fanbase, then yea she's pretty popular.
Either way it doesn't matter. Draw what you like to draw!
And if that happens to be Thicc Nymphs I don't see how anyone can complain!
At face value it looks like Wizzy and Bianca's personalities have changed quite dramatically.
Now they're almost the polar opposite from what I can remember them being in the other short ''introduction/pilot'' comics from a few years ago.
I remember when I was a child I often visited my grandma with family and while they were in the living room conversing I would often be in the side room filled with bookshelves and other stuff very cozy, and a lone VHS CRT TV with a bunch of tapes with cartoons on them.
Smurfs, Disney stuff, and Looney tunes compilations. I remember watching some of the all time classics on there among them the Bugs Bunny cartoon with the insane plane flight.
That was and still is one of the most spectacular animations I've seen and probably one of the things contributing to why I love animation as a medium to this day.
Your art can be really hot but honestly it can also be very cute and that's also nice.
Bone! I never actually read the comics, I really should though because I adore his design.
Ohh this is so COOL! Love the artwork, can't wait so see where this goes!
Nice homage to the artstyle of My life of a teenage robot!
Her hopes and dreams, dashed.
Age 26, Other
Gaming and stuff.
You know the usual crap.
Joined on 8/24/14